Participating the Online Fundraising Concert 2022


Joined “Culture Days 2021” of Canada

Vancouver Youth Philharmonic Orchestra Winter Concert 2021

Participating the Online Fundraising Concert 2021


Welcome to

BC Philharmonic Orchestra

Vancouver Youth Philharmonic Orchestra

月琴协奏曲 梅兰芳 Yueqin Concerto with Symphony (Canada premier performance)

Founded at the end of 2016, the BC Philharmonic Society (BCPS) consisting of BC Philharmonic Orchestra and Vancouver Youth Philharmonic Orchestra is a registered non-profit society with a mandate to promote, to perform and to produce orchestra music in Vancouver as well as all over Canada.

In the past 6 years, the BCPS has become very popular in the Vancouver community by giving out many public performances with musicians under the music director/conductor Zhuo, Rui Shi who won the first prize at Romania Black Sea International Conducting Competition at different occasions with a high-level professional performing. Meanwhile, the BCPS has been received the multi-grants from Canada Council for the Arts, BC Grant for Arts, City of Richmond & City of Vancouver.

Music Moment

We made our first “Flash Mob” at the Richmond Lansdown Mall in April 2017. And we had our first annual concert at the Fraser-view Church in Richmond In June 2017. Also we were invited to perform to celebrate the Chinese New Year at the Richmond Aberdeen Center in February 2018. Especially, our orchestra performed at big theater of Disney Land World, Los Angeles, California USA on March 2018

欢 迎 来 到 加 拿 大 BC 爱 乐 协 会

BC 爱乐协会成立于 2016 年底,下辖温哥华青年爱乐乐团和 BC 爱乐乐团,是一个在省政府注册的非营利性的音乐团体,其使命是在温哥华以及世界各地推广、演出和制作管弦乐队音乐。在这两年的排练、演出的时间里,这个乐团有大约有 50 位音乐家,在指挥家—罗马尼亚黑海国际指挥比赛金奖获得者卓汭仕先生带领下,该乐团迅速提高职业水平,在大温哥华社区非常受欢迎,它在不同的场合举行了许多公开演出。

2021年12月12日,我们在Richmond Lipont Gallery 举办了《迎接未来2022》现场直播音乐会。2021年12月5日,我们的青年乐团(温哥华青年爱乐乐园)在Richmond Broadmoor Baptist Church举办了《2021 Winter Concert》。同年,我们还参与了《Culture Days 2021》。这是全加拿大一年一度的文化艺术节。

2019年12月22日, 在温哥华小女皇剧院,我们成功举办了《宏大音乐会》。2019年10月20日,在UBC大学Chan Centre,我们举办了《纪念“黄河大合唱”诞生、首演80周年》音乐会,得到了观众热烈的反响。

2019年2月和2018年的2月在列治文著名的 Aberdeen Cente中心,成办了两场中国新年 – 春节音乐会。我们于2017年4月在列治文市的Lansdown购物中心制作演出了该年第一个“音乐快闪”。2017 年 6 月,我们又在列治文市成功举办了第一次年度音乐会。还应邀分别特别是2018年3月,我们的爱乐管弦乐团,在美国加利福尼亚州的洛杉矶迪斯尼乐园的大剧院演出,我们还在美国与美国远程学院管弦乐队、诺加莱斯和罗兰高中联合管弦乐团和 RUSD 荣誉管弦乐团成功地举行了联合演出。


BCPO; VYPO Performed the 2nd Movement of Beethoven Symphony No.7 on Grand Concert at  UBC Than Center on Dec 22, 2019

Our Proud & Fun Moment我们骄傲又快乐的时刻

From 2017 – 2021 , the BCPO has become very popular in the Vancouver community by giving out 40 public concerts

2017 – 2021年间,我们乐团在大温哥华地区组织演出了40多场音乐会。